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vineri, 14 ianuarie 2011

EPF : Elite Penguin Force

Pentru cititorii blogului am comandat EPF Nitendo DS si va spun ca e sooper.Aici va voi da cateva imagini:

joi, 13 ianuarie 2011

Reviewed by you data asta Reviewed by you nu mai e asa de frumos.Ce ziceti?

EEEEEEE... This Reviewed by you is not so nice. What do you think?

EPF Sneak Peek

Dragi penguini......Bucurati-va!!

Dear penguins.......Enjoy!!

sâmbătă, 8 ianuarie 2011

Ce s-a intamplat?

Deodata la ora Romaniei 09:50 in serverul Arctic in oras s-a intamplat ceva .Totul s-a intunecat si nu te mai puteai misca dain loc.A fost ca o eclipsa partiala de soare!

Suddenly, at 9:50 GMT in the Arctic city server something happened. Everything was dark and you never could abide Oberstleutnant move was a partial eclipse of the sun!

Lume lume!

Pana in data de 01.02.2011 toate postarile mele vor fi traduse in mai multe limbi pentru a putea mai multi vizitatori sa citeasca postarile. Echipa Sergiulik2000

Up to date 02.01.2011 all my posts will be translated in several languages in order to more visitors to read posts.
Team Sergiulik2000

Nou la card-jitsu water

Ce mai e nou in Ianuarie?

Reviewed by you

miercuri, 5 ianuarie 2011


Atentie la hackuri pe toti care ii stiu folosesc hackuri!Nu e bine pentru ca ele iti dau banned la conturi!Deci mai bine lasati-va de hackuri ca de exemplu:
-penguin storm(de orice fel)
-hackuri de member(de orice fel)
-coduri de carti de pe net(degeaba va obositi sa cautati ca nu veti gasii).

Attention to all who know other hack using other hack! Is not good because they give you the account banned! So you better let the other hack for example:
-penguin-storm (of any kind)
-The other member-hack (of any kind)
-coded cards on the net (nothing will bother looking because you will not find it).

Au uitat ce au zis

Se pare ca medelatorii au uitat ce au zis deoarece au spus ca nu vor mai fi hainele din decembrie in ianuarie si uite ca inca le mai avem.Cei care nu au vrut sa si le cumpere sa stiti ca e pacat deoarece sunt frumoase!

It seems that the model has forgotten what they said because they said there will be clothes from December to January and I still watch them. Those who did not want to buy it and know it's a shame because they are beautiful!

sâmbătă, 1 ianuarie 2011

"Coints for change".Rezultate inimaginabile

La programul "Coints for change" s-au strans mai mult de 12 milioane de coints adica:
---------$300,000 pentru construirea de noi locuri de siguranta in caz de catastrofe;
---------$360,000 pentru protejarea pamantului
---------$340,000 pentru a oferi ajutor medical
Va multumim pinguinilor ca ati donat multi coints , iar cei care nu au donat nu stiu cum e sa fi sarac sau in caz de cutremur , inundatie(nu se prea intampla in Africa) si incendiu sa nu ai unde sa stai sau sa nu ai ce sa mananci.

The program "Coints for change"have raised more than 12 million coints namely:
---------$ 300,000 to build new places of safety in case of disasters;
---------$ 360,000 to protect land
---------$ 340,000 to provide medical help
Thank you for donating many coints penguins, and those who have not donated do not know how it feels to be poor or in case of earthquake, flood (not much happening in Africa) and fire have nowhere to sit or you would not to eat.

Reviewed by you